
Welcome into the worm hole to my mind! I have no burning message to share (except when I do :-D), no desire for world domination, I am probably not going to change the world but maybe it will help change the way we live in it? I am just a random person who likes to play in the random ‘oddness’ of my own mind. This blog is a collection of things that I love, things that I am passionate about and generally my observations of this crazy thing we call ‘LIFE’!

How on Earth do I sum up my many facets in this short blurb? Essentially, I have always felt like a ‘square peg in a round hole’ always on the outside, looking in! Yes I know…I just described half the population :). As much as this was a source of great discomfort growing up, I grew to like my odd-ness and slowly began to see the isolation I have experienced, has actually helped me view this world in quite a unique way. You see, I’m a great Truth hunter, albeit my version of the Truth :). What better way to express this truth, than via art, which is all about the artists perspective!

I like to play and experiment with any creative expression that I’m ‘drawn’ to (pun intended). Including: painting, drawing, graphic design, photography and sculpture. I most certainly do not consider myself a writer, I write like I speak 🙂 so I view this blog as yet another creative muscle flex. I have always been fascinated by ‘how life, people and the world works?’ So my other interests include: psychology and neuroscience, evolution, quantum physics, philosophy, medical science and probably many more.

I was Truly conflicted about including this part of my story, until I realized, HOW can I just ‘leave out’ the biggest part of my experience through this life, this part, that has shaped EVERY single experience, thought, action and expression I have ever had? Well, of course, I couldn’t, so here it is: I was born with a rare, incurable, genetic skin condition called EB (Epidermolysis Bullosa) it is a very painful and visual condition, they call us the ‘butterfly’ children, because the skin is fragile. I’m now 39 years old and it has been rather a LONG journey. For now, that’s as much as I want to mention about that, mostly because I’m so bored with the details :). The temptation to not include this part was HUGE, imagine…a whole world out there, who wouldn’t know…and if they didn’t ‘know’, it would not register in their awareness, therefore it would not exist…MMMmmmm, what a Magnificent piece of Art/Fantasy, I would be Free, even if only in cyberspace…for more than a moment, that thought was VERY appealing to me! Unless I feel compelled to talk about this further, I will leave it up to my ‘potential’ readers (if you feel inclined) to ask me more about it.

That’s me…in a walnut shell!

13 responses to “About

  1. Hey, awesome! Very eclectic, many hobbies and interests. That’s great. I’m the same way. It keeps life interesting. And very courageous to mention the genetic skin condition when you could’ve just kept it quiet. I admire you for that, and you are changing the world. You’ve inspired me, and I’m sure your family, friends, and a lot of other people by just being you. Wow, it’s always a nice surprise to come across such lovely people on this crazy place we call the internet. Glad to have virtually met. Cheers.

    • Hey, Wow, thanks so much for the awesome comment and encouragement, you made my day :). Yeah, no one else can live this life for you, so you might as well be your own unique self! So happy to hear that you are inspired! Very glad to have virtually met you too. I agree, its always a treat when the crazy interweb turns up some gems :). Take good care and I’m looking forward to reading your next Diary entry, LOL!!

    • Thank You so Much Riikka 🙂 very kind of you. Please accept my deepest apologies for the late reply. My life is a storm right now!! Please check out my new post “Nominated for Two Blog Awards”.

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